A: Nope. All we want is a 1 pager using the free Liveplan software. Please register to receive detailed instructions A. Yes. You can make changes to your pitch until May 15th. Q: Our idea hinges on an app that we are currently designing, and we believe it would strengthen our pitch if we could demo (or at least describe and show screenshots of) our app, but obviously this will not fit on one page. A: Absolutely. Bring whatever you think will help you pitch your idea/concept/startup to investors. During our “startup showcase” you will be assigned a station. Investors, judges, and alumni will walk around the tables. You remain stationary and pitch your heart out. Remember, there are TWO chances to win. Judges choose one winner, but everyone who attends will also be casting a vote for the “People’s Choice Award-$1,000 Cash Prize”. So don’t forget to invite your buddies. A: Do you. It’s Reunions’ Friday!
A: No. This year we are taking everything to the next level. Including the pitch format. You must use the “LivePlan Pitch Page” format. This means:
Questions? Email mceja (at) alumni (dot) princeton (dot) edu
A: Judges will select 3 finalist to present in front of the entire group. Plan for a 5 minute presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers. You can bring presentation slides. I suggest you bring them on a memory stick just in case your computer cannot connect directly.